Violette Morris was born on April 18, 1893 and died on April 26, 1944. Violette Morris would have been 51 years old at the time of death or 122 years old today.
Violette Szabo died on 1945-02-05.
Morris Chestnut is 48 years old (birthdate: January 1, 1969).
Garrett Morris is 77 years old (birthdate: February 1, 1937).
Darryl McDaniels is 53 years old (birthdate: May 31, 1964).
Morris Day is his real name. That was the name he was given at birth.
Violette Morris was born on April 18, 1893.
Violette Morris was born on April 18, 1893.
Morris died on July 16, 2001 at the age of 77.
As of August 2013, Chris Violette is 32 years old.
Canadian actor Chris Violette is 36 years old (born May 29, 1981).
Gouverneur Morris died on November 6, 1816 at the age of 64.
Wright Morris died on April 25, 1998 at the age of 88.
Howard Morris died on May 21, 2005 at the age of 85.
Anita Morris died on March 2, 1994 at the age of 50.
William Morris died on October 3, 1896 at the age of 62.
Morris Mason died on June 25, 1985 at the age of 31.
Newbold Morris died on March 30, 1966 at the age of 64.