NHL player Chris Phillips was born on 03-09-78 and as of the end of the 2013-2014 season is 36 years old.
Leslie Phillips is 87 years old (birthdate: April 20, 1924).
Duncan Phillips is 49 years old (birthdate: March 3, 1964).
Phil Phillips is 80 years old (birthdate: March 14, 1931).
Chris Old is 69 years old (birthdate: December 22, 1948).
Arelene is 46.
Chris Phillips was born on 1978-03-09.
Chris Phillips plays for the Ottawa Senators.
Chris Phillips plays defense for the Ottawa Senators.
Chris Phillips - voice actor - was born in 1956.
Chris Phillips is number 4 on the Ottawa Senators.
Chris Phillips was born in Calgary, Alberta on 03-09-78.
NHL player Chris Phillips shoots left.
NHL player Chris Phillips weighs 221 pounds.
chris Phillips (Ottawa senators) wore #5 as a rookie, and #4 until current.
Christopher James Phillips goes by Chris.
Chris Phillips is a Canadian ice hockey player (born March 9, 1978) who has played with the Ottawa Senators since 1997.
Chris Phillips (D)