Austin Moon is 16 years old however his precise birth date isn't known although his birthday month is in December.
8 years old
Austin was 17 years old when she died
Austin Winkler (of Hinder) is 36 years old (birthdate: October 25, 1981).
carmen is 14 in real life but in tracy beaker returns she is ment to be 12 or 13
Austin Moon is a fictitious character; Austin Mahone is a real-life person. The actor that plays Austin Moon (Ross Lynch)and Austin Mahone are both currently 18 years old. However, Ross Lynch is nearly four months older than Austin Mahone.
In real life, it's Worthy, on Austin and Ally its Peratto.
Xavier Austin out of Home And Away. In real life hes 19 and his names David Jones Roberts. But i think in home and away he plays a 16 - 17 year old
Austin Moon, the character from the TV show "Austin & Ally," is portrayed as a teenager. He is around 16-18 years old in the show.
summer jobs in austin,texas
how old is jasper in twilight in real life
As old as you are physically,psychologically fit in real life.
Unlikely, Stone Cold Steve Austin's real name is Steve Williams.
In real life Aryana is 7 years old.
Is this for real life or a game? In real life ANY horse can colic, no matter how old they are.
vicor is 54 years old in real life fabian is 18 years old in real lifethat is all i know