As of 2010, Maestro Schram is 62 years old, per public records search.
Jessy Schram is 31 years old (birthdate: January 15, 1986).
Jack Schram goes by The Gunshow.
Albert Hofmann was born on January 11, 1906 and died on April 29, 2008. Albert Hofmann would have been 102 years old at the time of death or 109 years old today.
Prince Albert Victor was born on January 8, 1864 and died on January 14, 1892. Prince Albert Victor would have been 28 years old at the time of death or 151 years old today.
Albert Hammond Jr. is 37 years old (birthdate: April 9, 1980).* IMDB has him one year older, born 1979
Jessy Schram is 31 years old (birthdate: January 15, 1986).
Bitty Schram is 43 years old (birthdate: July 17, 1968).
George Albert Boulenger was born on October 19, 1858 and died on November 23, 1937. George Albert Boulenger would have been 79 years old at the time of death or 156 years old today.
George Albert Boulenger died on November 23, 1937 at the age of 79.
George Albert has written: 'Taos Pueblo'
George Albert Hammes was born in 1911.
George Albert Hammes died in 1993.
Albert George Wilson was born in 1918.
George Albert Clough was born in 1843.
George Albert Clough died in 1910.
George Albert Guertin was born in 1869.
George Albert Guertin died in 1931.