Albert Hammond Jr. is 37 years old (birthdate: April 9, 1980).
* IMDB has him one year older, born 1979
Izzy was born in 2000, and Willow was born in 2003.
If you think it's him in the 2009 film, it's not. That is the American actor Robert Downey jr.
JR Villarreal (Juan Villarreal Jr.) is 25 years old (born September 28, 1992).
Albert Hofmann was born on January 11, 1906 and died on April 29, 2008. Albert Hofmann would have been 102 years old at the time of death or 109 years old today.
Yes, he has two daughters; Izzabella Hammond and Willow Hammond.
Albert Hammond is 75 years old (birthdate: May 18, 1942).* His son, Albert Hammond, Jr. is 35 years old (born April 9, 1980).
Albert Hammond Jr. was born on April 9, 1979.
Albert Hammond Jr. was born on April 9, 1979.
The Interface - 2007 Albert Hammond Jr- was released on: USA: 1 August 2008
He is currently dating Ruby Aldridge.
Some songs written by Albert Hammond Jr. include "In Transit," "101," "Born Slippy," and "Hard to Live in the City."
Albert Hammond's birth name is Albert Louis Hammond.
"Please don't push me away"
Will Hammond Jr was born in 1979.
Albert Hammond was born on May 18, 1942.
Albert Hammond was born on May 18, 1942.
Albert Hammond - album - was created in 1974.