to watch M rated movies most people say that there's no age you just need to be mature and others say you need to be 10 or over just to be sure only watch an M rated movie if you are 10 or over AND if you are mature
M rated movies dont need a parent or guardian, MA rated movies need an adult to accompany a child under 15.
It's rated M.
Yes as long as they have a parent with them. Most movie theaters I'm assuming wont stop or not allow a child to see a Mature or R Rated movie.
Try these sites:
technicaly no,but im 13 and im going to see Zombieland tomorrow
you have to be 15 years old with a learners drivers license and a girlfriend.
no u have to be 13 years old.
17 years old
no... sorry!
You shouldn't because "M" stands for "Mature" an most 12 year olds aren't considered grown-up enough yet for that. If you go to a movie theater to try to see an M rated movie, they won't let you in, but if your parents rent a DVD... Then you can always watch it at home.
M rated movies dont need a parent or guardian, MA rated movies need an adult to accompany a child under 15.
No you do not. It is "recommended" that you are 15, but you don't have to be 15.
15+, obviously.
It's rated M.
It is rated "M". See question: "Why is Fallout 3 rated M?" for the reason why.
It is rated M for fantasy violence.
it is rated MA15+ or M