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i dont know when it will come out but i read the manga and that sakura and naruto kiss LOL YAY OMG its soooo sweet

just kidding of cource they dont kiss hehe

got u didn't i but akura deoes confess her love for naruto.

sooooo sweet

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

they usually come out late Thursday night every week except for on Japanese holiday check they usually have it fast

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Kishimoto is reportedly taking a break this week and chapter 500 will be released 1st-2nd of July

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Normally on Thursdays

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New chapters come out every week

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At, you can read Naruto Shippuden manga every Wednesday. They also tell you when the next chapter will come out.

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It allready came out in chapters, and other stores like walmart.

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i dont know about its book form but you can read chapters 1-458 on for free

Have all the Shippuden manga chapters been released?

No not yet, but they are relseasing new chapters once a week on so far up to 411 chapters are out spanning from naruto-naruto shippuden.

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What episode of Naruto does sasuke find out Naruto kills pain?

Chapters 430 to like 444. The way the chapters are im guessing that it how much is about Naruto vs. Pain.