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Considering it took about twenty Sontarans to lift it in 'The Sontaran Stratagem' or 'The poisoned sky' (I can't remember) I would say it was fairly heavy, but not as heavy as some people would think.

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Q: How much does the Doctor's TARDIS weigh?
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How much did the TARDIS cost to build?

I don't think that information has been published.

What is the TARDIS base code?

Think of the TARDIS base code like a MAC address. It's the unique identifier that each TARDIS contains. Within the base code you will find access keys, ID tags for equipment, and much more. If you have a TARDIS base code, you have control of the systems within the TARDIS. If you were to write the base code out, it would probably take you years as well as billions and billions of pages to complete, even then you wouldn't be halfway there. These are Gallifreyans we're talking about here. Lol.

What does the 6 letters of Tardis stand for in Doctor Who?

TARDIS in the Doctor Who Series stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space. The TARDIS was first seen in the first Doctor Who episode in 1963 with William Hartnell as the Doctor. Susan, the Doctor's granddaughter, claimed to have coined the acronym TARDIS from its name in that first episode.

How is the TARDIS bigger on the inside?

The TARDIS is bigger o the inside because it is a completely different dimension, almost as if when you step throw the TARDIS door you are stepping from one place to another. I think its called trans-indental dimensions, but don't trust my spelling on that (I got it off SJA).

How fast does the TARDIS travel?

Such a question is meaningless. The Tardis can leave one place and arrive at another five minutes (or a million years) earlier. How fast is that? For the crew of the Tardis there is a delay between the time the Tardis dematerialized and the time when it rematerializes. This subjective experience of the Tardis travellers is not related to the distance or time external to the tardis and cannot be used to measure speed as we know it. If it takes five minutes to go two metres and also takes five minutes to go 200 billion miles is it going 24 metres an hour or 24 hundred billion miles an hour? Perhaps it is simplest to say that the Tardis does not travel through time and space as we understand it, and so cannot have speed as we understand it.

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How doctors came to be called doctor?

Own a Tardis.

Why does the tenth doctors regeneration set the TARDIS on fire?

It was due to the fatal dase of radiation he'd received.

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Go to the doctors and find out

How much did the TARDIS cost to build?

I don't think that information has been published.

How much is a life size TARDIS?

The real TARDIS has been valued at £15,140,064. You can buy a replica for around £3,995.

How much should you weight if your 5'5?

I am 5'5 and I actually weigh 95 but average you should weigh 120-130 at least that what the doctors say.

How many times has the TARDIS changed?

The TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in Space) has undergone several exterior changes throughout the history of "Doctor Who." The exact number of times varies depending on the inclusion of subtle modifications, but there have been around 14 major redesigns of the TARDIS exterior.

At the end of the doctor who episode poison sky it said her name so Where was rose tyler in the poison sky episode?

When the Doctor is contacting the Sontarans and it comes up on the Tardis screen rose flashes up on the Tardis screen and then it flashes to the Doctors face

How much does a TARDIS cell phone case cost?

A TARDIS cell phone case costs anywhere from $13.95 to $19.99 depending on the style and where you buy the case. The Dr. Who TARDIS case can be found for about $14 on many different websites. There are many other styles of TARDIS cell phone cases.

What is french for Tardis?

That depends of what is the meaning of Tardis.

What sort of was Dr. Who's TARDIS?

The TARDIS is a time machine and spacecraft in the science fiction TV series "Doctor Who." It's a blue British police box on the outside, but inside it is much larger and contains various rooms and corridors. The TARDIS is also capable of traveling through time and space.

Does the tardis exist?

No. I wish the tardis does exists and doctor. :(