after recent weigh ins at her rehab centre she now weigh approximately 32kgs
No, Katherine Heigl is not single.
Katherine Heigl has 3 children
Katherine Heigl
While it has been noted the two share similar physical characteristics, there is no apparent relation between American actresses Katherine Heigl and Jeanne Tripplehorn.
Katherine Heigl was born on November 24, 1978
No, Katherine Heigl is not single.
Katherine Heigl is a/an Actress , model
The middle name of Katherine Heigl is Marie. So, her full name is Katherine Marie Heigl.
The middle name of Katherine Heigl is Marie. So, her full name is Katherine Marie Heigl.
Katherine Heigl has 3 children
Katherine Heigl has 3 children
Katherine Heigl goes by Katie.
Katherine Heigl married to Josh Kelley in 2007
Katherine Heigl was born on November 24, 1978.
Katherine Heigl was born on November 24, 1978.
Katherine Heigl was born on November 24, 1978