It varies from city to city, but the national average, in the United States, is around $8.50 a ticket. So, two tickets would cost around $17.
It depends on the venue or tour pricing. You should be able to view door costs on the artists website.
2 pairs if there are 4.
The price for a movie ticket in 1975 was between $2 and $2.50. It just depended on the location of the movie theater. Those in big cities charged a little more.
It depends on where and when the concert is being held.
Well a new movie on DVD would be about $20 to $30. Once the DVD movie is about a month old or so the price will lower to about $10 to $15.
In terms of tickets, the cost ranges from place from place. See your local movie theater for the cost of tickets to see Kung Fu Panda 2.
How Much Dose 2 WrestleMania Tickets This Year Cost?
probably 8,000$ for all of it!!!!
20 bucks
Single Day admission is $37.99 and 2 day is $50.99. Parking is $10.
What would the price be from pretoria to durban via greyhoud for 2 people
it cost 40 for 1 person 80 for 2 120 for 3 160 for 4 people
ten bucks lol
$5/person or if it is cheaper for you $17 for a fun pass A fun pass includes 2 adults tickets and 4 children tickets or 1 adult ticket and 5 children tickets
$2-5,(This was found out from the internet, this answer may appear to not be accurate)
92 minutes. See the related link for more information.