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as much as here pimp gives here

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Q: How much do the women wrestling in the WWE make a year?
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How much money did Edge Adam copeland make last year wrestling?

WWE Superstars and Divas do not discuss their salary with the public

How much does a women basketball player make a year?

depends on the position and team and where they play

How much do Celtic Women make?

10 million to 50 million a year each

How much money does an average women make a year?

We make the most, more than men since we have our backups..

How much money does Randy Orton make wrestling?

Around $711,000 A Year And Gets First Class Flight Accompdation Paid For Every Week

How much do the women goalie Soccer players make?

I Belive Its About $40,000 A Year

How much money do women cops make a year?

20K If they've got a good reputation on the job.

How much does women spend shopping?

The average women spends 2,000 pounds on hair and make-up aloneBut altogether the average women spends 50,000 pounds a year

How much money does American girl make in a year?

Most of them make nothing, because they are girls. They don't start working until they are grown up and become women. American women on the other hand can make from 5K a year to about 40 million, give or take.

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how much money women get pay

When will James retire?

She had the opportunity to retire and raise horses, but her singing career did not make as much revenue as she had hoped. By 2017, age 38, with a 3 year old son, she is still Wrestling.

When will Mickie James retire?

She had the opportunity to retire and raise horses, but her singing career did not make as much revenue as she had hoped. By 2017, age 38, with a 3 year old son, she is still wrestling.