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if you're thinking about the 'love me VIP package (includes going to his soundcheck, the party before the show and getting a signed poster or something) it's around 700$ and if you just want to meet him it's almost 300$.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

It costs from 200 to 400 dollars in the US, and 90 to 200 in the UK and Australia.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Like a couple thousand Dollar's.

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Q: How much are Justin Bieber VIP tickets?
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How much are the vip tickets for Justin Bieber's concert?


How much is it for Justin bieber VIP tickets?

thay add up to $383.50....

How do you get VIP tickets to Justin Bieber?

you have to pass the test

How can you meet Justin Bieber if you are from Serbi?

You can meet him by purchasing VIP tickets to a near-by Justin Bieber concert.

Do you get to meet Justin if you have vip tickets?

It depends. If you bought your tickets from they do not sell meet and greets with Justin Bieber on his current tour. Some people might have meet and greets and have VIP tickets, but you can not meet Justin with any type of VIP Package. Source: I had a meet and greet, but I didn't buy it, and I didn't have VIP tickets.

How much are Justin Bieber VIP meet and great front row package tickets?

300-450 depending on the show

What are the prices for the VIP packages for Justin Bieber concert tickets?

560$ exact... but in eBay its about 350$...

Where to get free Justin Bieber VIP tickets in Malaysia Kualar Lumur?

from Hitz FM competition

How much do Justin Bieber VIP tickets cost?

Like a couple thousand dollars or more. It depends on the ticket booker you buy. It varies from $2700 to $3100

I got tickets to Justin Bieber's concert at the Maryland State Fair on Sep5th I was wondering how to get VIP tickets or backstage passes bc it would LITERALLY mean the world to me if I got to meet him?

theres NO VIP for this concert.

Did scooter braun punch Justin bieber?

Scooter Bruan will let you meet Justin bieber if you ask hi nicely. Im going to meet Justin Bieber i bought ticket to meet n greet. I love Justin bieber so much i can't wait to meet him in person finally im going to take pics with him and i bought VIP tickets. I am going to hang out with Justin bieber for the hole day. I'll geyt to meet his mom pattie it will be so much fun. To top that of im going on tour with Justin bieber he gave me tickets to go on tour with him.Im Justin bieber's number #1 Fan . Hope you all get to meet Justin bieber

How much are Justin Bieber tickets in front row?

They cost 425 dollars. Thats VIP meet and greet included on