About 800 years.
He says this in either Return of the Jedi or the Empire strikes back.
"For 800 years, have I trained Jedi" - Yoda
According to Return of the Jedi Yoda has been training Jedi for 800 years until his death. Luke Skywalker was the last Jedi he ever trained.
No one knows where Yoda is from just yet. His homeworld has not yet been revealed
In episode IV A New Hope, Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi trains him for a short time. After he dies, His spirit tells him to go find Yoda. Yoda trains him as well. Between the movies IV and V, He trains himself.
Frank Oz who did the voice of yoda was also yoda's pupeteer
bontu sitmus was a jedi legend he trained yoda and beat 7 dark lords
Anakin was the oldest young ling because he joined the JEDI when he was eight years old. Anakin didn't know how old he was a few years before so when some one asked how old he was he said three!
about 900 years
It's about 800 years he says that in episode 5
Ever since he was 100 years old (and he lived to be 900)
All Of the Jedi Knights
Yoda trains the jedi so that they become one with the force
Yoda, you mean?It's about 800 years he says that in episode 5Read more: How_long_has_Yoda_been_training_Jedi_Knights
Jedi Master Yoda was the leading Jedi on the Jedi Council. His homeworld is unknown as is his species.
No, there had been many Jedi before him. Yoda was born 896 years before the battle of Yavin (Star Wars IV), and a quick example of earlier Jedi can be found in various Knights of the Old Republic comics that happened more than 3,000 years earlier. Jedi had been around for much longer than that, however. The Old Jedi Order was first founded almost 25,000 years earlier than Yoda's birth, but that doesn't mean they were the first Jedi...
No. Yoda died of old age (900 years old) in Return of the Jedi.
Yoda trained Jedi for 800 years, so the list is way too long
No one knows where Yoda is from just yet. His homeworld has not yet been revealed
In episode IV A New Hope, Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi trains him for a short time. After he dies, His spirit tells him to go find Yoda. Yoda trains him as well. Between the movies IV and V, He trains himself.