There are 1,456 words in the song World Wide Choppers by Tech N9ne.
In Twilight- about 174,000 words. In New Moon- about 186,000 words. In Eclipse- about 197,000 words. In Breaking Dawn- 223,000 words. Stephanie Meyer said that on a talk show how many words she has typed for these books and she said that these are the numbers for each book. Pretty neat, huh?
The iconic Rosie the Riveter said those words.
There are thirteen (13) bad sailor words in Spongebob, well, at least that's what it said in one episode.
Many people have said yes but many have said no. I have never seen a picture of this so I would say no
It's a really fancy way of saying: "you said goodbye and left" or "you said 'Yo, Homes, smell you later' and skedaddled."
Enough Said grossed $22,850,872 worldwide.
On 24th June 2008 the number of PCs worldwide was said to have hit the 1 billion mark. By 2014 it is estimated to have doubled.
It was said to have been about 75 million records worldwide
There are many words you can use rather than said such asstatedproclaimedprotested =) thanks
16000 words said in each of the movies
A recent survey had over 30,000 Churches and/or organizations worldwide that said they were Christian - many with 'shades' of differences from each other.
yes cause wene you buy your first car i had a look and it said choppers and on the case it has a piture of a bike. ujust have to unlock them.
yes. she said too many bad words.
Can cats said words
In Twilight- about 174,000 words. In New Moon- about 186,000 words. In Eclipse- about 197,000 words. In Breaking Dawn- 223,000 words. Stephanie Meyer said that on a talk show how many words she has typed for these books and she said that these are the numbers for each book. Pretty neat, huh?
There are many alternative words. Try spoke or stated. There is also mentioned.
He said a total of 169 words in the whole film.