He's the dude with the great voice who makes the 2k12 vids on YouTube. Great voice over. His name is Tommy Wankle and he's actually only 12!
600or more on some videos and they get about 200 views on the first week they post their new vids (im a fan...) so many haters but u guys shouldnt hate cuz u cant do better u guys jealous?
nothing influenced him, he just went to a singing competition, posted some vids on youtube and there usher looked at him
Kill natalie is a youtuber / blogger / and writer she is well know in the goth community for her vids and make-up vids as well. she also goes by the name batcavedelima.... J 2319
You get more youtube wid metacafe or google vids.
A blacklist ensures that a channel user is banned from uploding vids on Youtube
mmhhmm...its very funny!
Thats why there is youtube dude! Check there youtube for that! There are lot of vids about that!
Like youtube? Well the only one I can think of is Dailymotion. A lot of people's blogs have vids. Oh, Yahoo sometimes has vids. But the one I'd reccomend is Dailymotion after youtube. I hope that was helpful! =) iharperlover<3
yes but you can not watch youtube vids
yes he has vids on youtube him saying a lot of them
just look at youtube vids 0_0
yess they are :) i have a collection of them, watch my youtube vids
on youtube look at the vids they should tell you
YouTube has many Cowboys Vids on their site Use their search engine to find them. -Buddy