2 times. First by Frieza when they were fighting, then he was wished back with the Dragon Balls. The second time he sacrificed himself to kill Buu, but failed, and was wished back again.
twice , once by cybaman once when earth was destroyed
vegeta jr. Dad is,King Vegeta of Planet Vegeta which was destroyed by Freiza,and Vegta has a little brother name Tarble
no. but i thick he is cool
Well it kind of depends on "when" because their were times when Vegeta was the strongest in the series. But overall in the end I would say vegeta! It may sound crazy but think about it. Really Goku never really "beat" Vegeta. Their first fight ended in a draw. And the 2nd ended with Goku knocked out. Vegeta is a lot smarter then Goku and he can hit harder. Goku's ki is a lot stronger then Vegeta but that's it. Goku can't stay in his SS3 form long and Vegeta can just play defense until his power is depleted. If they went ss4 it's really fair game. But I think when it comes down to it Vegeta could have the upper hand. Just due to his battle experience. Vegeta is older then Goku.
Vegeta's father is in fact; King Vegeta. However, he died as Planet Vegeta was destroyed by Frieza.
Vegeta dies twice. The first time was by Frieza. Vegeta's second death was a suicide attack on Buu.
after he dies from frieza
he doesn't vegeta jr is his great great great and another great grandson and at that time vegeta is dead but he dies naturally
No he only dies in Dragonball Z
He couldn't at the end of dragonball gt.
Vegeta is about 1,000,000 in regular form but 50 times that in super sayian 1
yes Vegeta dies by blowing himself up in an attempt to kill Majin Buu. Before he dies Piccolo tells him that he wont go to the Otherworld like Goku did, because Goku fought for good, and Vegeta fought for evil for so long. Vegeta says in the end "Trunks, Bulma, I do this for you, and yes even you... Kakarot."
he dies on episode 42.
Where did you hear something this blatantly stupid? Raditz is Goku's old brother that works for Vegeta and is infinitely less powerful. Vegeta is the prince of the former Saiyan Empire, and the bad guy turned Anti-Hero. Raditz dies in the first saga, and Vegeta becomes a main character.
Yes, Vegeta has trained in gravity that is far higher than 750 times Earth's gravity. He has trained in up to 450 times Earth's gravity during the Namek Saga in Dragon Ball Z.
Goku. He came back to life 4 times * When he fought Raditz * When He fought Cell * When He fought Buu * And later in the GT series when he fought Baby Vegeta