(You're) Still the One, Orleans
Still Crazy After All These Years, Paul Simon
I'm Still Standing - Elton John
You're Still The One - Shania Twain
Still - Macy Gray
Still- Jennifer Lopez
Still - The Commodores
Still In Love - Beyonce
Still In Love - Brian McKnight
Still In Love - Tyra
I'm Still In Love With You - New Edition
Still In Love With You - Sade
In the Still of the Night - Five Satins
Will You Still Love Me Tomorrow - The Shirelles
song 1 and song 2
Song titles that contain the word trip or variations of the word include "Come Take a Trip in My Air Ship." "Day Tripper" is another song with a form of the word trip in it.
Play the Game - Queen
just the way you are by Bruno mars
texas - say what you want
Song Titles are put into italics.
quite a lot
Here are 3,099 song titles with the word "everything" in them: http://www.songmeanings.net/query/?query=everything&type=songtitles
Short phrases such as song titles cannot be protected by copyright.
Cut My Hair
There's not a list of "unused" song titles or book titles - you have to make up your own titles. Once you do, you can use a search engine to see if any other songs have that same name and you can change your title if you want to. Many songs have the same or similar titles, though.
Standing on the Edge