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i think it is 3 seasons

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Q: How many seasons of being human?
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How many seasons of being human us are there?

7 stages.

What channel is Being Human on?

First off, which "Being Human" are you asking about? There is a British version (5 seasons starting in 2008) on BBC (UK) and an American-Canadian version (4 seasons starting in 2010) showing on Space and SyFy

When is Being Human US season 2 coming to Netflix?

All four seasons are on Netflix.

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There ended up being a total of 9 seasons of One Tree Hill.

What channel is Humans on?

First off, which "Being Human" are you asking about? There is a British version (5 seasons starting in 2008) on BBC (UK) and an American-Canadian version (4 seasons starting in 2010) showing on Space and SyFy

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Season 10 is now going to be the last one.

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How many episodes are in season 1 of Being Human?

There were 13 episodes in the North American TV series of Being Human.

How many bones has a human being have?

206 bones.

How many second is a human being born in the world?

Well we all know that the Human Population is still growing. Well for every 7 seconds and human being is born and for about every 12 seconds a human being dies.

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