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Most of the time the runt of the litter doesn't make it more than a few days, some can last a week or two but as they are the weakest of the litter it will be hard for it to gain it's mothers attention and will most likely be unable to get milk from it's mother.

The number of puppy death's per year are uncertain as some may not get recorded.

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Ahlee Mclennan

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3y ago
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15y ago

A wild dog, like any normal domestic dog, can have 4-6 pups, but can also have 12+. 12+ is rear due to the fact they often don't get as much food as domestic dogs so if they have 12+ pups in the wild they usually refuse to let some feed and they starve, or they push them away altogether and if they are lucky a female who lost her litter and has milk will take them in, but all this is extremly rare and hardly ever seen in wild dogs.

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14y ago

The average number of pups per dog depends on the type of dog

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