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yes. i think they will make a part 2 of when they have pups

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Q: Will the wolves from Alpha and Omega have pups?
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What determines alpha and omega wolves?

the strongest wolves are the alphas and the weakest wolves are the omegas

How does the omega wolf breed?

The omega doesn't breed. Only the alpha pair breeds. If other pups are born in the pack that are not the alpha's, they can either be accepted, or are killed/abandoned to give the alpha's pups a better chance to survive.

Determine who will be the Alpha and Omega of the pack?

Wolves determine who will be the Alpha and the Omega by fighting to the death. The wolves communicate by using body motions to pick the strongest wolves that may sometimes result in fights. After the wolves "discuss" who the strongest wolves are the battles begins. As I said it is the fight to the death which will end as a bloody and very brutal war. The "winner" becomes the Alpha. Now you probably wonder what the Omega is. There is more than one Omega in the pack. An Omega is considered the "low life" of the pack. The Alpha is considered the leader of the pack and the Omega wolves are just "followers" in a hope to survive. The Alpha won't stop being Alpha until he/she dies. When the Alpha dies the cycle restarts.

What type of animal is humphrey in alpha and omega?

Humphrey in alpha and omega is a gray wolf and gray wolves can be gray black white or peach.And Humphrey is an omega wolf.

Are alpha and omega dogs?

"Alpha" and "Omega" are titles of social roles usually given to wolves, although they are occasionally extended to dogs, in a pack. "Alpha" wolves/dogs were once thought to be the leaders of a pack, but are now known to be the parents (a pack is usually made up of family members). "Omega" wolves/dogs are the "general citizenry". You can think of alphas as the family patriarch or president of the wolf/dog pack, and omegas as the children-and-siblings or citizens of the wolf/dog pack. Of course, if you are referring to the 2010 movie "Alpha and Omega" then your answer is: No. The main characters of "Alpha and Omega" are wolves.

Is there going to be alpha and omega 2?

yes they should make a part 2 of when they have pups

What is Kate's and Humphrey's pups names?

In the animated film "Alpha and Omega," Kate and Humphrey's pups are named Stinky, Claudette, and Runt.

Why does the alpha female not let the alpha male come near her pups?

Male wolves are known to sometimes eat the pups. She is only protecting her pups from not just the alpha male. She is protecting her pups from ALL the males. The alpa male usually has to gain her trust by usually bringing food to her pups and her.

Which animated movies feature wolves?

The Balto series&the Alpha & Omega series

What is the difference between a alpha and omega?

Well, the Alpha is the leader of the group, for example lets talk wolves. The Alpha would be the leader of the pack, the omega would be the very last rank in the pack.

Dog phantom pregnancy?

Phantom pregnacys evolved from when dogs were wolves because in a pack of wolves the alpha female will want to hunt after she has given birth because that is one of the main jobs of the alpha female. Thing is, if she has just given birth, one of the females wolves will have to suckle the pups. So wolves evolved so that the females who don't have pups will still produce milk so they can look after the pups whilst the alpha female hunts with the pack.

What is a female dog referred to ie omega alpha beta?

I think you've got the wrong idea! Alpha is the leader of a wolf pack and there is both a male and a female, the beta is second in command and the omaga is kind of like a spare part. The young, inexperienced wolves are known as pups. Female wolves are known as she-wolves and female dogs are known as bitches. (Not the swearing type of Bitch)