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well idk. like theirs many people who enjoys his music :p But im a big fan so count me in lol


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Q: How many people thinks kirko bangs is cute?
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Are people with bangs cute?

Yes. People with bangs are cute because well I mean just take a look at me. I have bangs and I am absolutely gorgous lol (cant spell) but I might be only speakin for me cuz some people look really ugly with bangs lol. let me stop beinb so rude lol.

How many people think kirko bangz is cute?

Kirko Bangz is so ~CUTE~ i would maarry him and have his babies Yeah Kirko Bangz is cute, bhum, so sexy!, his ass is fine as hell! I would have sex with him everyday! normally it's the men wanting to have sex with the women but I want to have sex with him, can't wait till he has children though, they would be sooo cutee!!.

Are bangs cute with a ponytail?

Of course!

Is kirko bangz black or white?

His rich, £17 for a ticket roughly and 15000 people attending to one of his concerts! His dad is mexican and his mom is black. His so cute.

Not very curly hair with side bangs does it look good?

Yes on most people...if you want your could curl your hair if you want but side bangs are always popular and cute!

What is a cute formal hairstyle for preteens?

curled hair with straight side-bangs curled hair with straight side-bangs

How do you know if a guys cute?

People being cute is all subjective. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.Everyone has someone who thinks they are beautiful, so if you think this guy is cute, than he is cute.

What if a girl says i said your cute but i never said i like you?

It means she thinks your cute and she does like you somewhat. Cute is an affectionate word that people use lovingly.

What is a cute hairstyle for eighth grade?

guessing if you used the word 'cute' your a girl.. side bangs, and a cute layered cut,depending on your face shape

How does dark waves look like in your hair?

afro and deadlocks with cute bangs

What are some cute ways to wear mid-length hair with short bangs?

== ==

Neyo is cute?

Yes, if you thinks that he is cute some people don't like Ne-yo but I think Ne-yo is cute I'm such a big fan of Ne-yo