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The Gemini spacecraft carried two astronauts to the moon.

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Gemini carried 2 astronauts- but did NOT go to the moon. The Moon landings used the Apollo spacecraft with 3 astronauts.

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Q: How many people did Gemini spacecraft Cary?
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Who is Cary Krell?

Born January 27, 1936 in Vienna, AustriaCary, the daughter of Diana (Rosenzweig) and Willi Krell, was born in Vienna, Austria. Her father was the managing director of a knitting factory. Cary's parents were born in an area of Poland that once belonged to the Austro-Hungarian Empire. In April 1938, after Germany annexed Austria, Cary's father moved his family back to Poland, where he had been offered a job as a bookkeeper in the town of Boryslaw.The Hitler-Stalin Pact of August 1939 called for the eventual division of Poland along the San and Bug Rivers. Cary and the rest of the Jews living in Boryslaw were, at first, spared the full force of German anti-Jewish measures that began with the German invasion of Poland, because their town lay within the Soviet administered area.The Germans invaded the Soviet Union in June 1941, when Cary was five and a half years old. Right behind the invading German forces were the Einsatzgruppen, the mobile murder squads. At first, many Jews in the Boryslaw area were needed as a labor force to secure the raw materials Germany so desperately needed. Nevertheless, the Jews were eliminated in stages through various massacres and deportations to death camps. Cary's father worked in the Jewish administration in Boryslaw. He and his family were deported with the last Jews of the town in the summer of 1944. They were transported to the Plaszow concentration camp.On October 15, 1944, Cary and her parents were shipped to the Gross-Rosen concentration camp. There, her mother was taken away and sent to Auschwitz where she was immediately murdered. Mr. Krell smuggled Cary into the men's barracks dressed as a boy. She stood at roll-call every morning with her father even when they were sent later to Auschwitz. One day, a boy noticed Cary's odd way of going to the bathroom and revealed her secret. She was separated from her father and sent to a women's barracks. They had stopped the gassings in Auschwitz at this point, but it was dead winter. There was little food, and horrendous sanitary conditions spread disease everywhere. Mr. Krell joined every work detail he could in order to pass by Cary's barracks and get a glimpse of her. Cary, weakened by hunger, died of typhus on January 6, 1945, a few weeks before her ninth birthday and liberation.Cary was one of 1.5 million Jewish children murdered by the Germans and their collaborators in the Holocaust.

How many darker than black episodes are there?

In the first season of darker than black there are 25 episodes. There is 1 OVA. In season 2 of darker than black (darker than black: Gemini of the meteor) there are 12 episodes. happy watching(:

How many people are in the ensemble?

Depends on how many people are in that band for example there are 4 member that means there are 4 people.

Did James Arness wear a hairpiece?

no way

How many people have killed themselves from cyberbullying and why?

i think many many people get killed over cyberbullying and the reson they do it because they think people hate them and they think no cares about them and they is to humilated

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How many members were aboard the Gemini Spacecraft?

All of the manned Gemini flights had two astronauts in them.

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Gemini refers to the constellation meaning twin, therefore two astronauts could be seated in the Gemini capsule

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Gemini is made up of many, many stars - each one having it's own relative distance form Earth. It only looks like Gemini from our perspective... in another solar system, you wouldn't recognize it.

How many stars are in Gemini?

Count yourself

How many astronauts were anboard each space capsule launched during nasas Gemini space program?

There were two men in each Gemini module(The constellation Gemini is the twins)

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Many Geminis are happily married. My uncle [a gemini] and aunt [sag] have been married for 29 years

What animal is Gemini?

Cats are the closest to the Gemini. Being clever and energetic, like a cat, sharp, intelligent, Geminis share many more familiar traits with cats.