Just very yung people. they are really athletes and much of what they do is difficult but the theatrics and even winners are pre staged
well wrestling is real, because if Batista does the Batista bomb it will hurt.
No. Wrestling has always been fake and always will be. Wrestling that is real (if you notice) is a lot less organised.
its real and yes its entertainment but i get that
While the results and winners are predetermined in professional wrestling companies like World Wrestling Entertainment, the pain and physical activity that many of the athletes endure and go through is very real. Many professional wrestlers have suffered intense injuries from the hard impact activity that goes on inside a professional wrestling ring.
WWE is considered sports "entertainment". The company includes scripted storylines, segments and pre-determined matches. The wrestling is for the most part fake, but they make it look real as much as possible. However that doesn't mean the wrestlers don't get hurt, injured or bloodied by mistake. Amateur Wrestling is 100% real, and much different than the pro-wrestling business like WWE. No highflying moves, or kicks or punches. Amateur Wrestling is more of a mat-style wrestling that is really competitive, going for submissions and locks on your opponent.
Surprisingly, yes. I used to work with developmentally disabled males and many of them did in fact believe that pro wrestling was real.
yes World Wrestling Entertainment superstars are real
yes in fact most of it is real but some of wrestling is fake Many moves are real, they just know how to do them to decrease damage.
yes, wrestling is real
There are a lot of people that believe that ghosts are real. There also maybe people that believe in ghosts, but won't admit it.
I'm confused by what you mean when you say "real professional wrestling". Professional wrestling is not real wrestling, it is entertainment. If you mean real, collegiate wrestling, then yes. It is.
In WWE it is hard to say but mostly when people get hurt or killed is the real part
because wrestling is real there is proof they even have TV showes about it!
Atheism exists; there are many people who believe there are no gods.
Many people believe he is real, many do not. At the end of the day, it comes down to religious belief.
There are many different beliefs on if ghosts are real or not real. People do believe in ghosts, whether or not they are real. There has never been any scientific study that has verified the existence of ghosts.
It is real, but it is choreographed and scripted but everthing is done real, its called sports entertainment for a reason. People probablu find it way more entertaining than a real wrestling match. Yeah, sport's entertainment is complete different from high school / college wrestling. It would bore WWE fans to death to watch a "real" wrestling match.