At least 3
Over $400 Million
At least 3
It is estimated that there are around 2.8 million households worldwide with a net worth exceeding $5 million.
Roughly 1% of Americans have a net worth of $10 million or more. This percentage corresponds to about 1.32 million individuals in the United States.
615 million people use
Oh, dude, you wanna know how many ballers in the US have over 5 million bucks? Well, according to recent stats, there are around 1.8 million households in the US with a net worth over 5 mil. So, like, there's a fair share of folks living that high life, but hey, who's counting, right?
Over 5 million people across the world watched it. Over 5 million people across the world watched it. Over 5 million people across the world watched it.
over a million
Over 60 million.
over a million
As of 2021, there are approximately 1 out of every 4,162 adults in the UK who have a net worth exceeding 10 million pounds. This equates to around 22,925 individuals in the UK with such wealth.