There are 350,000 decamillionaires in the US, and over 5,000,000 millionaires.
At least 3
Over $400 Million
There are almost 10 million millionaires in the United States. There are over 100 thousand people that are worth more than 25 million dollars.
There are approximately 10 -12 millionaires in the world (by various counts). This represents, at the most about 0.2% of the world's population (which now stands at over 6 billion people).
There are currently over 3,000 millionaires living in Rochester, New York.
A millionaire is somebody whose total assets are worth more than one million dollars. It is not necessarily somebody who earns over one million dollars a year. Because of this, some millionaires earn considerably less than one million dollars per year. For this reason, people with almost any title could be millionaires, however, common job titles of millionaires include, but are not limited to: CEO, manager, doctor, lawyer, politicians, investors, athletes, and professionals in the entertainment industry (Musicians, actors, directors).
All the members of Green Day are millionaires so over a million.
you cannot tell, theres a number of millionairs that are not famous or heard of. people like property investors, stock brokers, oil magnets, mangment positions, market investors and a lot more.
It is estimated that there are around 2.8 million households worldwide with a net worth exceeding $5 million.
There term millionaire typically refers to someone who has made over one million dollars. It can also apply to anyone who has a million or more of anything.
According to some sources, MonaVie has produced over 110 millionaires in its first six years.
Over 10 million. His net worth is around $5 million.
40 out of 100