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The Hunger Games is 374 pages

Catching Fire is 391 pages

Mockingjay is 390 pages

all three books totaled is 1,155 pages

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

The Hunger Games has 374 pages.

Catching Fire has 391 pages.

Mockingjay has 400 pages.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

The Hunger Games has 384 pages.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

453 pages and 3 1/2 lines

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Q: How many pages does the first hunger games book have?
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How many pages in the Hunger Games book1?

There are 384 pages in the first Hunger Games book.

How many pages in the first book of the hunger games?

it has 374 pages....hardcover.

How many pages are in each of the Hunger Games books?

in the first book (the hunger games) there is 374 in the second book (catching fire) there is 391 and in the last one (mocking jay) there is 390

How many pages is The Hunger Games?

the 1st book is 267 pages

How many pages does Catching Fire have by Suzanne Collins?

It has 391 pages. The first book has 374. It also has 27 chapters like the first book (The Hunger Games).

How many pages is the hunger games triology?

the 1st book is 267 pages

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How many pages are in the paperback book of The Hunger Games?

There are 374 pages and 27 chapters.

What are hunger games?

The hunger games is the first book in the Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins. The Book's sequel is Catching Fire, and the book after that is MockingJay

How many chapters are in the book Mockingjay?

There are 390 pages in the US version of "Mockingjay" and 455 in the UK version.390.There are 400 pages in the book Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins.

What page is prestigious on in The Hunger Games?

The word "prestigious" can be found on pages 71 and 124 in the book The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins.

What is the first book to The Hunger Games?

in the book peeta has a mechanical leg at the end of the book but not in the movie