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There are too many variables. It really depends on the image size, pixel resolution quality and many other settings as well as the compression format of the stored file.

An uncompressed high resolution, large screen image with a very high pixels per inch rating may only store a couple of seconds in 200mb.

A low quality small screen image with a low number of pixels per inch and a lot of compression may store a couple of hours.

You need to check the documentation for the equipment you are using and discern what settings (if any) are available. Even on very basic video cameras changing just a few resolution settings can double or cut in half the number of minutes stored at any particular file size.

It all comes down to how much quality and volume of data is being stored per frame of video.

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around 800mb think

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Q: How many minutes of video can i get in 200 MB?
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That really depends a lot on the video's size and quality. Take a sample of a video in the desired quality, and look how many MB it takes, and for how many minutes it plays. From there, you can extrapolate. (1 GB = 1024 MB)

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It depends on if the video is compressed or not. A loose guideline for uncompressed video is about a Gigabyte every ten minutes. So, a 5 minutes video should use about 500MB of space. If a video were compressed or reduced in size, it could be much smaller.

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200 gigabytes is equal to 200,000 megabytes 200 gigabytes = 200,000 megabytes

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200 gigabytes is equal to 200,000 megabytes 200 gigabytes = 200,000 megabytes

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You're either asking how many minutes of sound or video can be stored in 244.92 MB. Unfortunately, different audio and video formats have very different storage requirements. Without further information, it's impossible to tell if 244.92 MB would store several hours or several seconds of data.