Ther are 6 letters in the word letter two of which are repeated which gives a total of four different letters.
Denzel Washington has that many letters in his first name.
Father GooseMoulin Rouge
You can arrange the letters in 120 different ways (You can get this calculation by the math expression 5! with 5 being the amount of letters in the word) But as far as spelling it goes, you cannot spell a word differently.
6 letters are in the word letter.
13 letters in the word "Scarlet Letter"
There is one silent letter in the word "debris," which is the letter 's'.
The letters do not spell many words. The longest word I can identify is the three letter word van. The letters also spell the two letter words ax and an.
There are no 7 letter words that can be formed from the letters of the word MARBLE, because MARBLE only has six letters.
No is a word. On is a word.
A seven letter word from the letters in 'appliance' is pelican.
The only eight letter word that can be spelled with those letters is organism.
8 different 4-letter words can be formed from the letters of the word "Nation".
There is one seven letter word from the letters 'TWSOUIT'. When unscrambled the letters spell the word outwits.
one letter obviously are you in preschool :P
The word "judge" has one silent letter, which is the letter "d."