Eddie has one child ( a son ) by his previous relationship and then he has one ( a son) Eriq by his wife former member of SWV Tamara Taj Johnson-George.
yes a daughter
Eddie vedder has 2 children
George Stephanopoulos has 2 children
george Jones has 4 children
Martha Washington had nine brothers and sisters combined but i dont know which were which
She marries George Weasley and they have kids.
4, randy jr, george, lop, and mopey
Yes, Eddie Murphy has 10 kids.
Yes, Eddie Redmayne has 2 kids.
"society" Eddie vedder "on your porch" the format "kids" MGMT (just lifts your spirits :] ) "mrs.Robinson" Simon and garfunkel "cocoon" jack Johnson "constelations" jack Johnson
he has no kids
Yes, Andrew Johnson has 5 kids.
Yes, Dustin Johnson has 2 kids.
Yes, Boris Johnson has 6 kids.
yes he has four kids.
he has 8 kids .
Yes, Eddie Murphy has 10 kids.