George Stephanopoulos has 2 children
No, George Stephanopoulos is not single.
George Stephanopoulos is famous for a couple of things. Stephanopoulos is famous for mostly his American television, jounalism, and he was a former political advisor.
George Stephanopoulos is 56 years old (birthdate: February 10, 1961).
Yes, George Stephanopoulos has 2 kids.
Yes, George Stephanopoulos has 2 kids.
George Stephanopoulos has 2 children
George Stephanopoulos was born on February 10, 1961
No, George Stephanopoulos is not single.
George Stephanopoulos was born on February 10, 1961.
George Stephanopoulos married to Ali Wentworth in 2001
George Stephanopoulos was born on February 10, 1961
George Stephanopoulos married to Ali Wentworth in 2001
Yes, George Stephanopoulos married to Ali Wentworth in 2001
George Stephanopoulos is famous for a couple of things. Stephanopoulos is famous for mostly his American television, jounalism, and he was a former political advisor.
George Stephanopoulos went to Columbia University (BA)Balliol College, Oxford (MA)