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The number of hours a tv is on in a household per day is subjective to interpretation, however, the answer is limited in the sense that a typical person will not effectively benefit having the tv on during sleeping hours...unless using the tv to aid in sleeping by providing companionship or perhaps white noise.

What does a typ. person sleep in a guess is 6 hrs. The need for sleep decreases proportionately with age.

Not all days are the same. Weekends are different than weekdays in program broadcasting and lifestyle activities. Monday night football...Saturday movie and dinner either in real life or watching a program combo movie/dinner on tv.

Even the seasons of the year would sway this answer one way or the other. Indoors more or less in summer and in winter. The answer here is undeterminable without doing specific data collection of population sampling.

There are just too many variables to consider. In my opinion, the number of hours spent that a tv in on is most likely directly proportional to the number of hours being watched or utilized in some way or another. If I say 12 hours, then that leaves 12 hours for other ativites, such as: sleeping, personal hygene, traveling, just anything requiring attention enough to separate from the tv. But this does not cover the time required to make a living. The poor old sap working min. wage 50+ hours per week is quite different from a person such

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