Sean Connery
2 movies
there are so many movies without trais abuot 2or1000
currently there are 3 Boogeyman movies
He has been in 32 movies
No! But I think there related.
only two 1. dragonheart 2. dragonheart a new beginning i have all of them .
The duration of Dragonheart is 1.72 hours.
Dragonheart was created on 1996-05-31.
Dragonheart was released on 05/31/1996.
The Production Budget for Dragonheart was $57,000,000.
Dragonheart grossed $104,364,680 worldwide.
In my opinion Twister, Dragonheart, The Hunchback Of Notre-Dame, The Truth About Cats & Dogs, Independence Day, The Frighteners, and Emma.
Dragonheart grossed $51,364,680 in the domestic market.
Randy Edelman composed Dragonheart's OST, it's main theme being "World of the Heart".
Saphira DragonHeart