If you are refering to the movie it was three arrows. In the book they do not give a specific amount of arrows, but it seems like five or more. The book only says 'pierced by many.'
3 as far as I remember.
Neither the Silmarillion nor Lord of the Rings gives a specific number.
12 Arrows but when glimmer gets it there was 16
There were 40 episodes in Gravity Falls' run.
He says he has many friends that are women, but he might have a son. Viggo does have a son - Henry. He starred along side Viggo in LOTR as an orc. His character was killed by Sean Bean (Boromir). - Viggo Mortensen is straight he has a son, yes, and was married, he just prefers to live alone.
The Lord of the Rings is a great movie and a great book. (If you haven't, read the book, READ IT!) It has many characters. The main 9 are Frodo, Sam, Pippin, Merry, Gimli, Legolas, Aragorn, Gandalf, and Boromir. Sauron is the bad guy. There are many races, of course. Here are the evil races: orcs, trolls, nazgul, (otherwise known as black riders, and the nine.), and more. Then the good races are hobbits, men, elves, and dwarves. :) i hope this answered your question!
The Perfect Gift was written by Stephan Moccio a many talented composer from Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada
There are 13 arrows.
Arrows in the Dark has 684 pages.
The plural of fall is falls, e.g. the old lady had several falls before she broke her leg; he had witnessed many falls but none as cold as this
a quiver is not a measurement it is a device used for holding arrows
Nobody died in the making of Lord of the Rings. There was a close call, though, by Viggo Mortensen. NOTES: Many people seem to be confusing the character of Dumbledore in the 'Harry Potter' movies with the character of Gandalf in 'The Lord of the Rings' movies. Richard Harris who played Dumbledore died between the second and third 'Harry Potter' movies, and he was replaced by Michael Gambon. Sir Ian McKellen, played Gandalf in 'The Lord of the Rings' movies from beginning to end. Also, Stuart Townsend was cast as the character Aragorn and in production for two months when he was replaced by Viggo Mortensen though neither of those actors died.
9, Frodo, Sam, Meriadoc (Merry), Peregrin (Pippin), Gandalf, Legolas, Gimli, Aragorn and Boromir
The reverse design has 5 arrows in the bundle the eagle is holding.
> here is exactly 12 arrows in each bowling lane Actually, there are 7 arrows on a standard 10-pin bowling lane.
An eyelash lives about 150 days before it falls out.
12 Arrows but when glimmer gets it there was 16
Feathers on Native American arrows vary, but mostly occur in odd numbers.