It depends on the type of gun, and the ammunition that is being fired. Some is very quiet, some will damage your hearing if you are not using earplugs or ear muffs.
yes very loud!!
babies can be really loud and I'm not kidding
It is so loud, sometimes it can break the membrain in your ear and make them bleed.
Bruce Lee's son died during a scene, in which he was to be shot by a fake gun but the gun was a real one.
yes when he was a kid he shot himself with a .44Yes he did. It was by accident though. He was playing with a gun and had the music turned up really loud. He shot himself by accident and no one herd the gun shot because of the music.
Loud hand clap
loud. you might want to bring earplugs.
thunder is real loud
Some areas within a gun factory will be loud- metal and wood working machines, and areas where guns are test fired.
The same as every other paintball gun, louder then an airsoft gun, softer then a pellet gun.
Not a real gun, but, it is a real product.
If it is plastic or shoots plastic or metal and not loud, it is fake. Also if a flag comes out that says "Boom" or "Bang" it is fake. But if it says "_____" then it is real, and you are dead
YES! Any firearm that doesn't use a suppressor (silencer) will have a loud sound.
It's Obviously not a real gun. It's a future warfare gun.
Not a real gun, but, it is a real product.
About 132 dB(A)
real thommy gun no. Is a Nerf thommy Nerf gun a real thommy Nerf gun then yes