Bella and Edward go to Isle Esme for their honey moon in Breaking Dawn. On the island, Bella and Edward become...Intimate for the first time while Bella is still human. A few days later, Bella discovers that she is pregnant with Edward Cullen vampire-hybrid child. They name the child Renesmee.
Well you would either have to be bitten By the Cullen family or Be One Of Edward & Bellas children
Edward tasted Bella's blood while sucking the venom from Bella's hand.
In the book Charlie calls edward before prom telling him that Tyler is at Bellas house picking her up for the prom. In the movie no one calls Edward.
In the books, she is described as smelling like Edward. well i read in the twilight book.. or was it eclipse that edward said the Bella smelt of lavender sooo ......
They Watched A Musical. With Smiling Faces And Cheerful Music And Edward Approves "Very Honey-Moonish."
Bellas lullaby
August 13th
Edward Cullen's sexayyy self :)
Renesmee, after Bellas mother Rene, and Edward's "mother" Esme.
Because Edward likes to watch Bella sleep
The honeymoon for Bella and Edward in the Twilight series lasts for two weeks. They spend this time on a private island called Isle Esme off the coast of Brazil.
Edward Cullen bit a pillow on their first honeymoon to control his urge to bite Bella Swan.
rich brown silk
because he made her pregnet
Bellas & Edwards wedding, Honeymoon & her getting pregnant. i think !! & also her becoming a Vampire !
Edward's honeymoon was at Isle Esme off the coast of Rio de Jarno
I'm pretty sure their wedding was at Edward's house