Draco Malfoys wand: Hawthorn and Unicorn hair, precisely ten inches, reasonably springy.
Draco Malfoy's wand was made of elm wood.
Actually, Dumbledore didn't intend on Harry getting the Elder Wand. As said in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", the only way you become the master of the wand is either you disarm the master and/or, you kill them. So when Draco disarmed Dumbledore in the sixth book that made Draco the master. In the seventh book, at Malfoy Manor, Harry disarmed Draco by taking his wand, making him the master of the Elder Wand.
They are either grey or silver, depending on how one refers to that shade of very light blue.
Draco was the actual master of the elder wand because Dumbledore's death was already planned, so when Snape killed him, it wasn't actually a takeover of the wand. Because Draco was the last to disarm Dumbledore, or 'take' his wand, it recognized Draco as it's master. This is how Voldemort was ultimately killed, because Harry was using Draco's original wand. The elder wand recognized the wand as its master's, so Voldemort's killing curse was turned back upon him. However, Draco never actually had the Elder Wand in his possession. He never even knew he was the master until Harry revealed it.
Draco's father, Lucius Malfoy, is portrayed by Jason Isaacs in the Harry Potter films.
Voldemort steals it from Dumbledore's grave, but it is rightfully Draco Malfoys, then Harry disarms Draco, so the wand is Harry's, but Voldemort still has it. Then when Harry defeats him, Harry takes the wand, but instead of keeping it, uses it to mend his Pheonix wand.
Skitz - 2010 John Cena is Draco Malfoys Dad 1-4 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG
Cookies and cream.
Draco never was in possession of the Elder Wand (also known as the Deathstick). He disarmed Dumbledore who had the wand, but he never had the wand himself.
Bellatrix Lestrange (born Bellatrix Black)
i think it was all planned out by dumbledore! Actually when Draco dis-armed Dumbledore in The half Blood Prince, at the end right before Dumbledore was killed, the elder wand would then work for Draco, Then in the Deathly hallows when Harry dis-armed Draco that allowed him to be able to use the elder wand
he didn't according to the seventh book dumbledore got the elder wand off grindleward and Draco got it off dumbledore when snape killed him with dracos wand Draco has never owned the EW, but as he disarmed Dumbledore, he became its 'chosen master' for a while; and when Harry overpowered Draco, the EW chose Harry over Draco.
Perhaps. The EW is known for being very unfaithful;)
Malfoy's name in Harry Potter is Draco. Then there is his father (Lucius Malfoy) and his mother (Narcissa Malfoy).
first Draco disarms Dumbledore , now the wand belongs to Draco, but in the malfoy manor harry disarms draco (who is the owner of the wand but dosent have it) then the wand belongs to harry now because now harry is the true owner of the wand{which voldemort steals from Dumbledore's grave He took Draco's own wand (not the Elder Wand) by physical force, so he overpowered Draco, which was enough for the EW to change allegiance. It happened in the Malfoy Manor (chapter 23 in Deathly Hollows)