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Draco was the actual master of the elder wand because Dumbledore's death was already planned, so when Snape killed him, it wasn't actually a takeover of the wand. Because Draco was the last to disarm Dumbledore, or 'take' his wand, it recognized Draco as it's master. This is how Voldemort was ultimately killed, because Harry was using Draco's original wand. The elder wand recognized the wand as its master's, so Voldemort's killing curse was turned back upon him.

However, Draco never actually had the Elder Wand in his possession. He never even knew he was the master until Harry revealed it.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

Draco became rightful owner of the Elder Wand because before Dumbledore's death he disarmed him. The wand then chose a new master after Dumbledore's Death. There was a confusion as since Snape killed Dumbledore, Voldemort thought Snape would be the new owner. Voldemort killed Snape because the Elder Wand was not working as well as expected so Voldemort estimated that if he killed Snape the wand would work better as "The Want Chooses The Wizard". In the end Harry disarms Draco therefore making Harry the new rightful owner of the Elder Wand.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Lord Voldemort broke into Dumbledore's tomb at Hogwarts and stole the wand. He believed he was the true master of the Elder Wand. He wasn't. He figured this out later on in the book. He thought that Snape was the true master of the Wand, (As, whoever kills the master of the Elder Wand is the new master) so killed him with his snake Nagini. Voldemort was mistaken. Draco Malfoy was the actual master of the Wand, but since Harry Potter defeated Draco in the Malfoy house prior to Dobby carrying them out of there, Harry is the true master of the Elder Wand.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Yes. Harry's own wand was taken by the snatchers before they took him to Malfoy Manor. When he was breaking out of Malfoy Manor Harry stole several wands one of which was Draco's.

Harry then tried them out and decided that Draco's worked best for him and gave the others to his friends. This meant that Harry owned the Elder Wand (which might be connected to the reason Draco's wand worked best... or it could just have been the way J.K Rowling made it to make Harry get the Elder wand easily).
He took it because his broke when Hermione fired a curse in Godrics Hollow, and it worked better because Harry actually defeated Malfoy to get it.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

Voldemort took the wand because Dumbledore owned the Elder Wand, and the rightful owner of the Elder Wand cannot be defeated. Therefore, he stole the wand from Dumbledore's tomb thinking that he could kill Harry with it.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Draco Malfoy became the master of the Elder wand in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, but he never actually touched the wand.

Very few people knew that Dumbledore had the Elder wand and the original plan was for him to die as the wands last master. However, Draco disarmed Dumbledore and at that point became the wands master, except only Dumbledore knew this.

The wand was then buried with Dumbledore and only retrieved when Voldemort worked out who had it. By which point, it was already Harry's.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

No, Voldemort did. Draco never knew he owned the elder wand and he was never in possession of it.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

No,after harry potter killed voldamort he got the wand. After that they broke it in half, but that was only in the movie.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Voldemort stole it from Dumbledore's grave.

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Q: Did Draco Malfoy take the elder wand from Albus Dumbledore after he died?
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How killd dumbledore?

This is a very broad question, and not worded correctly. Severus Snape killed Albus Dumbledore in the end of the sixth book. Dumbledore had asked Snape to kill him, to save Draco Malfoy's soul because of the Unbreakable Vow that Narcissa Malfoy made Snape take in the beginning of the sixth book since Voldemort had ordered Draco to kill Dumbledore.

How did the elder wand get to dumbledore?

Actually, Dumbledore didn't intend on Harry getting the Elder Wand. As said in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", the only way you become the master of the wand is either you disarm the master and/or, you kill them. So when Draco disarmed Dumbledore in the sixth book that made Draco the master. In the seventh book, at Malfoy Manor, Harry disarmed Draco by taking his wand, making him the master of the Elder Wand.

Why is the elder wand harry's?

All right, so remember how Draco disarmed Dumbledore at the end of the sixth book? That means that Draco would be the master, but then Harry disarmed Draco later. Even though it wasn't the Elder Wand Draco had, Harry became the master because of that. That's how most interpert it anyway. Harry defeats Draco Malfoy who had disarmed Dumbledore. That made him the owner of the Elder Wand and when Voldemort tried to use it against Harry, it wouldn't kill it's true owner. i think it was all planned out by dumbledore! Actually when Draco dis-armed Dumbledore in The half Blood Prince, at the end right before Dumbledore was killed, the elder wand would then work for Draco, Then in the Deathly hallows when Harry dis-armed Draco that allowed him to be able to use the elder wand but he doesn't get the chance to use it until the end of the Deathly Hallows. Voldemort takes the wand off Dumbledore but that isn't enough to make it work for him because Harry is truly the owner. So when voldemort tries to kill Harry it wont kill him because he is the owner so it rebounds on voldemort therefore killing him!

Why does Voldemort kill himself?

He doesn't. Actually he does but it is an accident.. When Voldemort had the elder wand he did not know that even though he had possession of it he did not hold the power to it.... let me explain When Snape agreed with dumbledore to kill dumbledore it was a agreement planned so the power of the elder wand would have stayed with dumbledore but when Draco disarmed Albus up on the astronomy tower he took possession of the elder wand then when harry took dracos wand in malfoy manor he took possession of the power of the elder wand.... so what happened was the elder wand would not kill harry cause harry was it's true master so it rebounded and hit voldemort... there fore that was how voldemoret died

Did Harry Potter get the 3 hallows?

yes, but he has them at different times. he has the cloak already, and he has the ressurection stone but he drops it in the forbidden forest, and he gets the elder wand at the end of the book but he puts it back in dumbledore's tomb

Related questions

Who became the rightful owner of the Elder Wand?

Gregorovitch Gellert Grindelwald Albus Dumbledore Draco Malfoy Harry Potter

Did Severus Snape kill somebody?

Yes, Severus Snape killed Albus Dumbledore. This was arranged between the two of them so that Draco Malfoy wouldn't have to do it. Dumbledore also wanted to die as the last master of the Elder wand, although this part of the plan didn't work as Draco disarmed Dumbledore shortly before he was killed making Draco the master.

What wand did Harry Potter defeat Lord Voldemort with?

Harry used the Hawthorn wand that was previously Draco Malfoy's. It went like this:In order to truly own the Elder wand, a wizard would have to take the wand of the current master against their wishes. Albus Dumbledore was the true master of the Elder wand. Draco Malfoy became the next true owner when he disarmed Albus Dumbledore right before his death. However, the Elder wand was buried with Dumbledore. Draco never knew he was the new master. Later, Harry took Draco's Hawthorn wand while he was escaping Malfoy Manor. Since Malfoy was the current master of the Elder wand, this passed the Elder wand's ownership on to Harry. In the meantime, Voldemort broke into Dumbledore's tomb and stole the Elder wand. Voldemort thought that Snape was the new master, as he had killed Dumbledore, not realizing that Draco had disarmed Dumbledore. Voldemort killed Snape and believed himself to be the new Elder wand master. When it came down to the final duel in the Great Hall, Voldemort used the Elder wand that Harry was now master of. Voldemort cast an Avada Kedavra curse at Harry. Harry cast an Expelliarmus spell. Since Harry was the master of the wand Voldemort was using, the Elder Wand would not kill its true master, therefore, Voldemort's Avada Kedavra rebounded off of the Expelliarmus and killed him.

Why did the Half-Blood Prince kill Dumbledore?

Albus Dumbledore was killed by Severus Snape. Although Dumbledore, who was dying anyway, had already arranged for Snape to kill him so that Draco Malfoy wouldn't have to and so that the Elder wand would not change masters. However, as Draco disarmed Dumbledore shortly before his death that part of the plan did not work.

Is the Elder wand Albus Dumbledore's?

It was his wand, but shortly boefore his death he was disarmed by Draco Malfoy who became the wands true owner. Voldemort stole the wand from Dumbledore's grave, but ownership later passed to Harry Potter who made sure it was returned.

How was Albus Dumbledore killed?

Albus Dumbledore died after Severus Snape hit him with the killing curse. Dumbledore had previously told Snape that when the time came, it must be Snape who killed him. This was to prevent Draco Malfoy from having to do so and to also ensure that Dumbledore died the last master of the Elder wand. However, as Draco disarmed Dumbledore, that part of the plan failed.

Which main character died in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince?

Albus Dumbledore, who was killed by Severus Snape.It is later revealed that his death was arranged between the two so that Dumbledore would die the last true master of the Elder wand and Draco Malfoy wouldn't destroy his soul by killing. The first part of the plan didn't work, as Draco disarmed Dumbledore shortly before his death. In doing so, he became the master of the Elder wand.

Why was Draco Malfoy the master of the Elder wand?

because he is very old Correction: Draco Malfoy was never an owner of the elder wand physically but he was a master of the wand. Near the end of the sixth book, The Half-Blood Prince, when Harry and Dumbledore returned form retrieving a Horcrux in the cave. When they returned to Hogwarts, Madame Rosemerta informed them that the Dark Mark had been conjured over the Astronomy Tower. While Dumbledore was up in the tower he was surrounded by Death Eaters and student Draco Malfoy who was supposed to kill Dumbledore. Draco had dissarmed Dumbledore who was the current owner of the Elder's Wand, by doing this Draco had become a Master of the Elder Wand without his knowledge. Dumbledore was then killed by Snape and the Elder Wand wand was burried with him in his tomb. Later in the series Harry Potter overpowers Draco, becoming the Master of the wand without Voldemort knowing, who had stolen the wand and killed Snape assuming he was the true master when really it was Harry.

How killd dumbledore?

This is a very broad question, and not worded correctly. Severus Snape killed Albus Dumbledore in the end of the sixth book. Dumbledore had asked Snape to kill him, to save Draco Malfoy's soul because of the Unbreakable Vow that Narcissa Malfoy made Snape take in the beginning of the sixth book since Voldemort had ordered Draco to kill Dumbledore.

How did Harry Potter become the owner of the Elder Wand?

Albus Dumbledore defeated Gellert Grindlewald and became the owner of the Elder Wand. Draco Malfoy disarmed Albus Dumbledore in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince which meant that Draco was recognised as the new owner of the wand. The only person who knew this was Dumbledore, who then died. At Malfoy Manor, Harry ran past Draco and pulled several wands out of his hand (making him the master of all of them) one of which was Draco's. Thus Harry was now the master of the Elder Wand without knowing it. Voldemort stole the Elder Wand from Dumbledore's tomb and thought that because he had taken it from him, he would be the master. But when he realized that it didn't work as well as it could for him he ordered his snake to kill Severus Snape who he thought was the true master. When Voldemort challenged Harry with the Elder Wand, it knew it could not kill it's own master so Harry's disarming spell worked and Harry caught the Elder Wand. Harry then decided that he didn't want the Elder Wand because it caused to much trouble, instead he repaired his old wand.

How can the elder wand that Dumbledore possessed be disarmed by Draco Malfoy if its supposed to be unbeatable?

It's a false assumption. For example Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald in a duel and won the Elderwand from him.

How did the elder wand get to dumbledore?

Actually, Dumbledore didn't intend on Harry getting the Elder Wand. As said in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows", the only way you become the master of the wand is either you disarm the master and/or, you kill them. So when Draco disarmed Dumbledore in the sixth book that made Draco the master. In the seventh book, at Malfoy Manor, Harry disarmed Draco by taking his wand, making him the master of the Elder Wand.