Patrick Star
July 14th, 1986
best friend best friend best friend
Jojo's best friend is charlie "nene" Kennedy she is not showbiz just the sidekick of Jojo but her real best friend.. Jojo's best friend is charlie "nene" Kennedy she is not showbiz just the sidekick of Jojo but her real best friend..
Gabriella's best friend is Taylor McKessie.
his best friend is R-TruthJohn Cenas best friend out of the ring is randy orton
spongbobs ANISTER
July 14th, 1986
Andy Blackwell... duh:)
goo lagoon
His pet is called Gary.
some guy called Tom Kenny i think :)
Beige is his favorite color.
you need to finish all of the quest.
play spongbobs next big adventures
Get to the Chum Bucket and beat Karen five times.
Go down on kwonechiewoo Rd And turn left and it is next to spongbobs house
BFFL- Best Friend For Life BFF- Best Friend Forever BF- Best Friend