It sounds as if he's using his head voice. it's an amazing tool in singing if you can find it.
i cant answer why Miley Cyrus' voice is deep but justins voice is high because he is going through puperty
He's only 15, it's possible he hasn't gone through puberty yet. Maybe he has, and is just born with a high voice. Michael Jackson had a high voice and was one of the greatest singers of all time. Don't dis him because he has a high voice.
Mica Penniman (birth name Michael Holbrook Penniman)
Justin"s voice is so high pitched because he is part girl
A girl with a very high pitched voice is called a Soprano A boy (usually a grown man) with a high pitched voice (for a guy) is called a Tenor NOTE: All young boys sing very high (like "girl" pitch) until their voice changes, usually around the age of 14.
mikas cousin Audry (not sure of the spelling) is the voice of the lollipop girl. She did this when she was 9. And in one of mikas new songs "we are golden" her voice is in that too.
Mikas last name is Penniman
hi voice is not high anymore it is really low
i cant answer why Miley Cyrus' voice is deep but justins voice is high because he is going through puperty
Narco Mubbina Drinky Astor
He was born that way; a God-given voice and talent.
Yes. He have a tenor voice. He has a very high voice so he is a Tenor.
high voice (:
ummm he has ONE little sister? DUUGH!
maybe, a cracking voice is a sign of a changing voice but if you voice is as high as you say it may not drop the way you want It is normal for a boy to have freak waves of change in his voice pattern when it is breaking. It will settle down shortly and be deeper.
He's only 15, it's possible he hasn't gone through puberty yet. Maybe he has, and is just born with a high voice. Michael Jackson had a high voice and was one of the greatest singers of all time. Don't dis him because he has a high voice.