A girl with a very high pitched voice is called a Soprano
A boy (usually a grown man) with a high pitched voice (for a guy) is called a Tenor
NOTE: All young boys sing very high (like "girl" pitch) until their voice changes, usually around the age of 14.
i cant answer why Miley Cyrus' voice is deep but justins voice is high because he is going through puperty
High Baritone
Voice-over .
There are a great many distinctive qualities of the voice. The voice can be high or low in pitch, raspy or clear, and very sweet or powerful for example.
Falsetto Tenor is the vocal range of a man who can sing higher than the average man. A male soprano is a man who can sing very high notes which usually only a woman is capable of (a female who sings high notes is called a soprano), for example, opera singing. An incredibly high man's voice is soprano , but generally high man's voice is alto. Tenor and baritone are next , and lowest of all is bass, like most bouncers at clubs! The term that is generally used for males with very high voices, equivalent to female altos and sometimes even sopranos, is countertenor. There were some very famous ones in history.
Someone with a booming voice is often called "boisterous," "sonorous," or "resonant."
They are known , interchangeably , as Voice-Over Artists , Voice Actors or Voice Artists . A Japanese voice-over artist is properly referred to as a Seiyu .
You can call them. If they answer, the phone is on.
Someone who is high up may be a mountaineer, a roofer, an aviator, a balloonist, or a paratrooper.
call an ambulance
If you want a voice clip, then you hold F2 and yotalk into your mic. Now if you want to have a voice conversation, you start a conversation with someone on your contact list and on the top of your conversation click call then click call a comupter. Now you can talk with your friends.
Pace refers to the speed at which someone speaks. Tone is the quality or expression in someone's voice that conveys their feelings or attitude. Pitch is how high or low a person's voice sounds.
You can't. Voicemail responds to being forwarded from a phoneline, not to a direct call.
high voice (:
Provoke in Latin is either Provocare or Vocare. When I looked at etymonline.com, provoke gave me a connection to Voice. Voice is vocare in Latin. I thought, do Provoke and Voice have anything in common? I found out that Vocare mean "to call" Do they have anything in common? What does provoke have to do with to call?a friend of mine said: maybe you can get provoked by having someone call you? I don't know!
Yes it is called voice changer plus call me if you can not find it my number is 7785582712