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Q: How is it possible that Jonas never noticed the receiver before?
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What does the receiver tell Jonas to call him?

The Giver wanted Jonas to call him the Giver. This may sound odd but when the Giver said this he was still called the receiver. The Giver asked him to call him the Giver because he was no longer the receiver, therefore it was not appropriate to call him receiver any longer.

In the giver what was the name of the previous receiver?

The previous Receiver in "The Giver" was Rosemary. She was Jonas's predecessor in training to become the Receiver of Memory before she requested release from the community.

How does Jonas change when he becomes a receiver?

how did jonas change as a result of becoming the receiver? - The Giver

In the book the giver what is the name of the failed receiver?

The failed Receiver in "The Giver" is named Rosemary. She was selected to be the Receiver of Memory before Jonas, but the memories were too overwhelming for her and she asked to be released.

What was Rosemary's relation to the giver?

She was the chosen new receiver before Jonas. But she never became a full receiver because she could not handle the sad memories like loneliness. Because of that she asked for a release. At the end of the book you learn that the Giver was her father.

In the giver what happened to the twelve who had been chosen as the receiver ten years before Jonas?

The previous Receiver of Memory from ten years before Jonas was known as Rosemary. She asked to be released from her pain of holding onto all the memories at once, and she took her own life.

What was the giver daughters name?

In Lois Lowry's book "The Giver," the Giver's "daughter" is named Rosemary. She was the previous Receiver-in-Training who failed and requested to be released, leading the Giver to choose Jonas as the next Receiver.

What happened to the receiver to be who was selected before Jonas?

Rosemary, the receiver to be before Jonas, was very happy with her new job because the Giver only gave her happy memories. However, once he began giving her memories of pain, she was extremely unhappy and asked to be released, hence the rule about Jonas never being able to ask for release.

In the giver how does the Receiver transmit memories to Jonas?

In "The Giver," the Receiver transmits memories to Jonas by placing his hands on Jonas's bare back. This physical connection allows the memories to be transferred from the Receiver to Jonas's mind.

What was Jonas's Job in The Giver?

Jonas becomes the next Receiver.

What was the previous receiver's job with Jonas?

The previous Receiver's job was to transmit memories to Jonas so he could bear the burden of humanity's pain and suffering on behalf of the community.

What page did Jonas get selected as receiver of memory?

In "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, Jonas is selected as the Receiver of Memory on page 12.