This is due to electronic signals are transmitted between brain and other parts of the body; the ever fastest communication.
So fast. kachow!
the roots - birthday girl
I Would Love to meet Pitbull...So Sexy
Daniel Boone
7878 locones st. mesquite tx
Through nerves; speed : 120 m/s.
Emails send so fast because information travels at nearly the speed of light across the Internet. Email can go around the world in less than a second.
No the nerves in the spinal cord send the messages to the brain. Not the actual spinal cord.
the Nervous system's coordination is so fast mainly because the human body has thousands or even million of nerves cells that are connected to one another. every action that happen in our body is transmitted to the brain. what runs in our nerve cells are called electric impulses the speed of electric impulses is just a split seconds. example: when you accidentally touched a hot object the reflex of our body is to let go of it. because the nerves cells already send electric impulses to our brain that the thing we touched is hot. then the brain will send another electric impulses to our hands that says let go of it its hot. this process happens within split seconds only.
cheetahs can't run so fast for too long because when they are running their heart is pumping blood extremely fast to the brain and if the cheetah keeps that going soon enough it's brain will overheat then die.
Sensory neurons are nerve cells that send messages to the brain. They are responsible for transmitting information from sensory receptors in various parts of the body to the brain, allowing us to perceive and respond to the environment.
The brain stem connects the brain to the spinal cord, so that the brain can send messages through the cord to the rest of the body. The functioning of the body is severely compromised if the spinal cord connections are severed.
yes it send a message of pain so when you get hurt you can feel the pain.
i eat ice cream slow so i don't get a brain freeze
Because then it at the top of everything else in your body, so as it needs to send a message it send it straight down. Also there is no space left in the body for the bran to be.xx
Brain cells do not typically regrow at a fast rate. The process of neurogenesis, or the generation of new brain cells, occurs throughout life but at a slow and limited rate. Factors such as age, overall health, and lifestyle habits can influence the rate of brain cell regeneration.
They are neurons!=The neurons take all the information to the brain so you can do what you can do with them.Without them,you wouldn't know what "know" means at all even though I just said it!=