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she drinks something that a cajun women give her and her kids

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Q: How does lisette burges stay young in locked in time?
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Side lights stay on when car is locked?

yes the side lights can stay on

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The Dead Stay Young was created in 1949.

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Facebook can remain locked for months or years and sometimes for a day if you provide valid information yo unlock it.

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It will stay locked until yew unlock et

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the mammal mothers stay with their young because they want to keep them protected from predators.

How do you stay looking young for ever?

Die when you look young.

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Anywhere from 5 minutes to a half hour.

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The mileage and the clock do not diasappear when the car is off and locked. do they stay on all the time?

I have a VW Jetta and mine does the same thing and yeah they stay on all the time.

Can German shepherds stay as a puppy?

No. There are no animals that stay young. Everything ages.