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In Lord of the Flies, Jack represents the deterioration of civilization and secedes to the darker side as he stops following the rules and wants to hunt more. Judas is one of Jesus' 12 disciples, and sells his loyalty to Jesus for silver. Both turn against the goodness of mankind because of their greed and lust for what the other "side" offers them.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Jack uses the "beastie" as a way to evoke fear into the group. When one is in fear, they often fall in a oppressed state and turn to who is they believe can confront the problem the best. In this case, Jack kept on insisting that the beast was real and therefore the littluns followed him because he did not seem to be scared of it.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

i like to eat m&m's :)


hope that helps!

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βˆ™ 15y ago

i don't know READ THE BOOK

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Q: How does jack represent Judas in the Lord of the Flies?
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What does Jack represent in Lord of the Flies?

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Ralph is the leader. Jack is the antagonist and rebel . Simon is the Jesus archetype.

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Jack could represent the pig's head, and the flies could represent Jack's followers, how they are practically "swarming" around him.

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In lord of the flies, ben is a follower of jack...or a choir boy.

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In "Lord of the Flies," what is important to Jack is power, control, and dominance over the other boys on the island.

Who was the Lord of the Flies in lord of flies?

It is the pig's head cut off by jack, transformed from a loving pig to a creepy horror. The flies were buzzing around the head, making the pigs head the Lord of the Flies. In other interpretations, Jack is considered to be the Lord of the Flies. The beast is also thought to be the Lord of the Flies.

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Jack never died

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jack and Ralph or foils. jack is savage and violent, interested in killing and feasts Ralph is calm and represent civility and order, interseted in being rescued and maintaining order

In lord of the flies who or what is the lord of the flies?

The lord of the flies is the head of the pig that Jack and his 'tribe' killed, they left it on a stake as an offering to the beast (ie)

What do the flies represent in Lord of the Flies?

The FLIES are a representation of the evil and decay that exists in all humanity. Flies live on death, the flies do not care who of what you were, their job is to clean up the mess left behind. The flies also represent the boys, who are drawn to the evil that Jack represents just as the real flies are draw to the pig's head on the stick, which was an offering to the beast.