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Jack rules by imposing punishments on the boys. He controls them through brutal force. The conch is a symbol of civilization. On jack's side of the island, the conch holds no power. This is symbolic of how Jack and the other savages have lost all sense of civil behavior and have instead turned to savagery.

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Q: How does jack propose to rule without the conch?
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How do Ralph and Piggy organize the survivors?

Ralph blew the conch and attracted all the other boys to the location. Ralph suggested that they needed a leader and he was elected. He appointed Jack in charge of the former choir and allowed him to define their purpose. Then Ralph proposed an expedition to verify that they were on an island. He chose Jack and Simon to accompany him and gave Piggy the job of collecting the names of the other boys.

What does the conch symbolise?

The conch started out simply as a curiosity that Ralph spotted in the lagoon. Once it was retrieved from the water it became a tool, used to call the other boys to the location. During the first meeting Ralph indicated that the conch had the additional purpose of allowing its holder to speak uninterrupted by anyone else except himself. Because the conch called boys to meetings and was then used during the process of the meeting it became indelibly associated with the whole democratic process, whereby anyboy could speak, if he held the conch. The conch therefore came to symbolise the whole process which it was part of, the democratic ideal of the meetings, civilization, rule, law and order.

What did the conch mean in Lord of the Flies?

it is his "claim to fame" as he found it, and this is the first time i the novel we see how knowledgeable he is. It is also a symbol for peace which he desperately hold on to, even as he dies. the conch shell was used to call all the boys together. In this respect, it is a symol of unity. It was laso held by the person speaking, which was a rule. This makes it a symbol of order and reasonable thinking. When it is destroyed it symbolises the loss of all sensible thinking and the start of total anarchy which is what Piggy feared the most

How has the significance of the conch change?

The conch started out simply as a curiosity that Ralph spotted in the lagoon. Once it was retrieved from the water it became a tool, used to call the other boys to the location. During the first meeting Ralph indicated that the conch had the additional purpose of allowing its holder to speak uninterupted by anyone else except himself. The conch came to symbolise the whole process which it was part of, the democratic ideal of the meetings, civilization, rule, law and order.

What does the conch represent in the Lord of the Flies?

The Conch symbolizes civilization, more specifically, rules and structure. In the beginning of the book, when everyone is focused on civilization and rescue, the Conch has the ultimate authority. As the book goes on and the boys become "savages" as the narrator emphasizes often, the Conch loses its power, and the boys lose their hope for rescue and returning to civilization. Short answer: The Conch represents structure and order.Adding on to the deteriorationThe book mentions the conch losing its original luster meaning there is less power than before. The kids start to ignore the calls.

Related questions

What rule do the boys make about the conch?

The boys establish a rule that only the person holding the conch shell can speak at their meetings. This rule helps maintain order and ensures that everyone has a chance to be heard.

What rule does Ralph lay down at the first assembly?

In The Lord of the Flies, during the first assembly Ralph lays down the rule that only the person holding the conch can talk. The conch symbolizes law, order and civilization.

What is the symbolism of the conch in "Lord of the Flies" and how does it represent order and civilization on the island?

In "Lord of the Flies," the conch symbolizes order and civilization on the island. It represents authority and the rule of law, as only the person holding the conch has the right to speak during meetings. The conch's power diminishes as the boys descend into savagery, reflecting the breakdown of order and civilization on the island.

What does blowing the conch in Lord of the Flies represent?

In "Lord of the Flies," blowing the conch represents order, authority, and communication. It is used to gather the boys together, call for meetings, and establish a sense of structure and civilization on the island. As the novel progresses and the boys descend into chaos, the conch loses its power and significance.

How do Ralph and Piggy organize the survivors?

Ralph blew the conch and attracted all the other boys to the location. Ralph suggested that they needed a leader and he was elected. He appointed Jack in charge of the former choir and allowed him to define their purpose. Then Ralph proposed an expedition to verify that they were on an island. He chose Jack and Simon to accompany him and gave Piggy the job of collecting the names of the other boys.

What does the conch symbolise?

The conch started out simply as a curiosity that Ralph spotted in the lagoon. Once it was retrieved from the water it became a tool, used to call the other boys to the location. During the first meeting Ralph indicated that the conch had the additional purpose of allowing its holder to speak uninterrupted by anyone else except himself. Because the conch called boys to meetings and was then used during the process of the meeting it became indelibly associated with the whole democratic process, whereby anyboy could speak, if he held the conch. The conch therefore came to symbolise the whole process which it was part of, the democratic ideal of the meetings, civilization, rule, law and order.

What did the conch mean in Lord of the Flies?

it is his "claim to fame" as he found it, and this is the first time i the novel we see how knowledgeable he is. It is also a symbol for peace which he desperately hold on to, even as he dies. the conch shell was used to call all the boys together. In this respect, it is a symol of unity. It was laso held by the person speaking, which was a rule. This makes it a symbol of order and reasonable thinking. When it is destroyed it symbolises the loss of all sensible thinking and the start of total anarchy which is what Piggy feared the most

How has the significance of the conch changed chapter 6?

The conch started out simply as a curiosity that Ralph spotted in the lagoon. Once it was retrieved from the water it became a tool, used to call the other boys to the location. During the first meeting Ralph indicated that the conch had the additional purpose of allowing its holder to speak uninterupted by anyone else except himself. The conch came to symbolise the whole process which it was part of, the democratic ideal of the meetings, civilization, rule, Law and Order.

When piggy dies and the conch shatters what does it symbolize in lord of the flies?

This symbolizes that order in the island is no longer there. At this point in the novel, the emergent (or completely devolved) society has deemed it socially acceptable to murder. Hence, the conch represents order; the rule of law.

What rules do the boys make about the conch in lord of the flies?

The boys in "Lord of the Flies" make rules about holding the conch shell during meetings. The rule is that only the person holding the conch has the right to speak, ensuring order and fairness during their discussions and decisions on the island.

How has the significance of the conch change?

The conch started out simply as a curiosity that Ralph spotted in the lagoon. Once it was retrieved from the water it became a tool, used to call the other boys to the location. During the first meeting Ralph indicated that the conch had the additional purpose of allowing its holder to speak uninterupted by anyone else except himself. The conch came to symbolise the whole process which it was part of, the democratic ideal of the meetings, civilization, rule, law and order.

What did they discover and use in Lord of the Flies?

Piggy sees the conch, and he and Ralph work as a team to get it out and blow it. This helps them to call all the boys together at the beginning, and when they want to call a meeting. They also make the rule that obly the person holding the conch can talk in an assembly. This results in the conch being a symbol for law and orede, and when it is destroyes, it symbolises the start of true savagery.