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it is his "claim to fame" as he found it, and this is the first time i the novel we see how knowledgeable he is. It is also a symbol for peace which he desperately hold on to, even as he dies. the conch shell was used to call all the boys together. In this respect, it is a symol of unity. It was laso held by the person speaking, which was a rule. This makes it a symbol of order and reasonable thinking. When it is destroyed it symbolises the loss of all sensible thinking and the start of total anarchy which is what Piggy feared the most

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โˆ™ 15y ago
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โˆ™ 15y ago

Piggy points to the conch to remind them that only the person who is holding the conch is allowed to speak and that as neither of them are holding it they shouldn't be speaking.

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โˆ™ 12y ago

The conch symbolizes morality and civilization, both of which Jack's clan seem to lack in. Piggy is logical and believes that these values should be protected and preserved.

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โˆ™ 11y ago

Well, Piggy is basically the hope for humanity. The conch symbolizes civilization and morality (MORALity, not MORTALity).

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โˆ™ 12y ago

Democracy and order

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Q: What did the conch mean in Lord of the Flies?
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The conch shell serves as a symbol of authority in "Lord of the Flies." The person holding the conch has the right to speak during meetings, signifying order and democracy among the boys on the island.

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The conch in "Lord of the Flies" breaks when Piggy is killed by Roger, who pushes a large rock that strikes Piggy and shatters the conch. This moment symbolizes the loss of order and civilization on the island.

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In Lord of the Flies - what was used to call everyone to the meeting?

The Conch shell.

What did they spot in the sand in the book lord of the flies?

They spotted a conch. the conch.hellyea.

What became of the conch in Lord of the Flies?

It broke when Piggy fell off the ledge and when the rock landed on both Piggy and the conch.