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He died of a broken heart from the bad rewview from Ego

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Q: How does gusteau die in ratatouille?
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Who voices Gusteau in Disney-Pixar's Ratatouille?

Brad Garrett is the voice of Auguste Gusteau.

Where is gustesus shop in ratatouille?

Gusteau's is in Paris, France.

What is the name of the restaurant in ratatuille?

Gusteau's is the restaurant in Ratatouille

What is the restaurant called in ratatouille?

The restaurant is called Gusteau's.

What is the name of Gusteau's book in Ratatouille Movie?

Anyone can cook

Who is chef gusteau based on?

Chef Gusteau in Ratatouille was based on Jacques-Yves Cousteau. Cousteau was a French naval officer, explorer, scientist, ecologist, author, photographer, and filmmaker. He studied the sea.

Who is the woman who teaches Linguini about the kitchen in Disney-Pixar's Ratatouille?

Colette teaches Linguini the secrets of cooking in Gusteau's kitchen.

Who is Anton Ego in Disney-Pixar's Ratatouille?

He is the food critic that everyone at Gusteau's is afraid of, because he took away a star at the restaurant the last time and it probably killed Gusteau. He is voiced by Peter O-Toole.

Who is Remy's hero in Disney-Pixar's Ratatouille?

Auguste Gusteau is Remy's hero. He appears as Remy's conscience, guiding him through his culinary training.

What does Remy secretly do in Disney-Pixar's Ratatouille?

Remy secretly cooks, reads, and watches television.

What is the name of the famous chef in Disney-Pixar's Ratatouille?

There were a few chefs. One was Chef Skinner, Colette, Linguini, and Remy.

What is the meaning of 'Anyone can cook' in Disney-Pixar's Ratatouille?

The quote is further explained by Anton Ego in his final review of Gusteau's. "Not everyone can become a great artist, but a great artist can come from anywhere."