No the number of deaths went down
It is not known how many deaths are caused by artichokes every year. It is possible that artichokes do not cause any deaths.
yes, by 69
yes, by 69
There are fewer childhood deaths now as it relates to illness and disease. Better medical care has saved many lives of children. There are still many childhood deaths related to accidents.
possible but smoking does increase that chance
Ireland does not usually get extremely cold weather, compared to other countries. There are some deaths from the cold, but not very many compared to other countries.
The yearly figure hovers between 500-1000 usually. In 2009 there were about 750 deaths in commerical airline accidents, compared to about 1,100,000 deaths in auto accidents.
solution design and evaluation
There was not as accurate recording of casualties during WW1 as compared to WW2, but there were approximately 5.7 million Entente/Allied military deaths and approximately 4 million Central Powers military deaths. In total, about 9.7 million military deaths.
many more deaths due to malaria
If you are asking about an electric stun gun, yes, it is possible. Not likely, but possible. There have been a small number of deaths associated with such items.