To begin with, you need to be able to deal with crowds, be a good singer and have faith in yourself. You can one, go knocking on recording studios, two you can go on a T.V. Show or three you can get a camera or a web cam and make a video on YouTube and wish for the best.
Eleven year olds can become famous by dancing, singing, acting, writing books and many other things. Some 11 year olds start taking a humongous leap for the adventures of life at this age and this is why the best to become famous is by knowing your talent and letting the whole world know it.
the famous five were all about 12 or 11 when the book was based on.
Dakota shes old is Ellie Fanning?...probably older than I have NO IDEA who is a 9 year old famous celebrity, but I am wiritng a book, so if you know please feel free to put 9 year old famous people names up here!!! By the way im Alison and im 11!!! Ellie Fanning is 12 going to 13
by talents they have .
figure it out, buddy
Ask someone else
A famous 11 year old singer on youtube
if by discovered you mean famous then of course.
Practically speaking, I doubt it. Cody Simpson is 14. Most 14 year old boys have no interest in 11 year old girls, pretty much anywhere you go.
I don't know :'( but I really want to be famous. Will someone please tell me.
He\She can get a record deal (or get discovered by a famous person) and if they sound really good the press will let he\she be a famous young singer
You have to have a good voice,confidence,and you have to be talented.
It is person who investgates,explores,obsorves every day life. By 11 year old
ask another eleven year old.
of course!
Yes, an 11 year old is a child.