Michael Jackson's moonwalk is a simple illusion.
1. Start by placing one foot flat on the ground and the other foot on its toes.
2. Next, slide the the flat foot back, putting all your weight on your toes.
3. Then switch feet by putting the flat foot on its toe. and the other foot flat (at the same time) and repeat the process.
And that's pretty much it!
The Moonwalk is easy..... once you master it.
First you raise one of your heels off the ground but always remember have your toes on the ground at ALL TIMES and have the other foot flat on the ground. You slide the foot that is flat on the ground back but not too far back. Then, you put the heel that is in the air down to the ground and at the same time put your heel that was on the ground from when you were sliding up into the air. KEEP YOUR TOES ON THE GROUND AT ALL TIMES. Then you slide the foot that is on the ground back and repeat about five times. if you want you can practice. And that is "How to you Moonwalk like Michael Jackson."
Bill Baley in (1955) invented the moonwalk. Michael Jackson got the moonwalk from soul train. I think in 1981 on Soul Train, there were guest performers, and they did the moonwalk. Michael thought it was a awesome dance and he wanted to learn it.
no he didnt
You have to moonwalk and press up or down. Don't do alt and F1 like the old answer said because you will exit out of your game. (Sigh, the typical trolls.)
DANCING THE DREAMThis book was published by Doubleday in 1992 and was written by Michael Jackson.The book contains 28 essays and reflections, 17 poems, 84 color and black and white photographs, and 20 pieces of other artists artwork. Michael writes on topics such as creating his dance and music, children, religion, life, love, and autobiographical reflections.'Dancing the Dream' is no longer in print, and so can not be found in regular book stores. MOONWALKER - THE STORYBOOKThis book was written by Michael Jackson and published by Doubleday in 1988.This is a children's story based on the short film 'Smooth Criminal' (from the film Moonwalker) in which Michael's friend Katy is kidnapped by the evil 'Mr. Big' who is planning on getting the children of the world addicted to drugs. Michael and his friends Sean and Zeke must save Katy and stop Mr. Big before it's too late.'Moonwalker - The Storybook' includes over 50 full color photos from the short film 'Smooth Criminal'. MOONWALKThis book was Michael Jackson's first autobiography published by Doubleday in 1988. The book was released in both hardcover and paperback.In 'Moonwalk', Michael talks for the first time about his life, from his early Jackson 5 days, through the making of his albums , Off The Wall, Thriller and Bad. He touches on some of the most prominent rumours that have surrounded his career. The book contains many never-before-seen photographs from the Jackson family archives, as well as photos taken of Michael throughout his lengthy career, and artwork drawn by Michael himself. The book was a USA best seller.'Moonwalk' is no longer in print, so can not be found in regular book stores.
No, Michael Jackson was not related to Mahalia Jackson.
MICHAEL JACKSON !Michael Jackson made the moonwalk popular in the 1980's.EDIT: Michael Jackson made the moonwalk popular, but the moonwalk was founded before he started it. The credit of inventing the moonwalk should go to the kids in a school in Kolkata who were reported too be the first ones to do the moonwalk. This is where Michael Jackson got the inspiration to do the moonwalk.
no Michael Jackson's kids don't know how to moonwalk
"Moonwalk" by Michael Jackson has approximately 288 pages.
His favorite move was the moonwalk
no he did not
in 1984.
Yes He Is:)
the moonwalk
Bill Baley in (1955) invented the moonwalk. Michael Jackson got the moonwalk from soul train. I think in 1981 on Soul Train, there were guest performers, and they did the moonwalk. Michael thought it was a awesome dance and he wanted to learn it.
No, they are exactly the same thing.